A bit about a few educators that I met along the way.

A bit about a few educators that I met along the way.
As I wrote in a previous entry, I do not know where I would be today without fellow educators, who shared their insights, talents and personal stories of struggles and successes. So, I thought I would take a moment to share a bit about just a few of those educators that I met along the way. (This is, by no means, an exhaustive list. This is simply a start and a topic that I will later revisit.)
Cathleen Weigelt-Ferguson – https://twitter.com/fzefrau(https://twitter.com/fzefrau)
Cathleen is a fellow German language educator, colleague, and friend. I have worked with Cathleen in the same district for many years. I have also worked with and collaborated with her on countless writing, translation, and curriculum development projects outside of school. She is remarkable at her work, and she is an extraordinary person. I can confidently say that her students and friends and family are very lucky to have her in their lives. She lifts those around her and makes you want to be better.
Elizabeth (Bess) Hayles – https://twitter.com/mmehayles(https://twitter.com/mmehayles)
Bess is a French language educator, colleague, and also a friend. When I watch Bess present, I always come away with some new insight and inspiration; she is very talented. (I even had the fortune of presenting with her!) I also lean on Bess for advice. Bess listens and is sincere in her thoughts and advice. I am most definitely always excited when our paths cross. Bess truly is one of the most caring, passionate – and compassionate – educators and people that I know. If you ever have the chance to meet her or see her present, do not miss it!
Bryce Hedstrom – https://www.brycehedstrom.com/(https://www.brycehedstrom.com/)
There is probably a good chance that you have heard about Bryce before reading his name here. He is an incredible and talented educator. He cares deeply and truly strives to help fellow educators and all those around him. I had the good fortune to meet Bryce some years ago. His knowledge of our field is great, but his generosity and willingness to share it is even greater. Moreover, he is one of the most caring and kind individuals that I know. Note to educators: visit his website, go to his blog, and read his materials and books! This is a must if you are a language educator. (And of course, do not pass up the chance to meet and see Bryce present!)
Gary DiBianca – https://garydibianca.com/(https://garydibianca.com/)
There are so many good things that I can about Gary. Our paths cross on occasion and when they do, I cannot help but get excited. He is one of the most honest, genuine, and good-hearted people that I know. He is also one of the hardest working educators that I know. But what always strikes me about Gary is how he makes you feel. A simple conversation with Gary will lift your spirits. You can’t help but feel better when you are around Gary. I’d say that anyone who has the chance to work with Gary is a fortunate person.
Laurie Clarcq – http://www.heartsforteaching.com/(http://www.heartsforteaching.com/)
Without question, Laurie cares deeply for her students, profession, and all those, whom she meets. She brings joy, understanding and a calmness with her, wherever she is. She is a very special person with a very special message. In fact, I have asked to make a daily calendar for educators with her messages of caring and joy. We would all be lucky to start our days with a message from Laurie.
That’s it for this entry. Remember: when we meet fellow educators along the way, be a sure to share your insights, talents and stories. We all make more of a difference than we know.