A (non-hyphenated) American history book for us all?

A (non-hyphenated) American history book for us all?
Do not let the title of Lynne Breen’s book How German Ingenuity Inspired America: More Fun, More Beauty, More Freedom mislead you. Yes, it is a definitive book on the influence and impact that Germans and German-Americans have the fabric of America. Yes, it wonderfully details and illustrates the accomplishments and achievements of this immigrant group. And, yes, it explores their specific inventions, artworks, and discoveries. However, it is so much more.
Breen’s book is truly a remarkable effort. The depth and breadth of her book is stunning, and it is also brilliantly written and beautifully illustrated. Don Heinrich Tolzmann writes in his review of Lynne’s book in German Life (here): “Breen’s book is one that libraries, German-American societies, and anyone interested in German heritage should acquire.” I wholeheartedly agree, but I also contend that this not simply a “niche” book that is only for those with German heritage or those involved with German-American societies. I contend that this book is for everyone, regardless of background. It is for students, students of history, schools, and for everyone, who wants to understand the fabric of America more fully. (Dare I say that I may even consider this a (non-hyphenated) American history book?)
Upon opening this book, you will soon learn the roots of many American traditions. It is not limited to the bratwursts, Dachshunds (wiener dogs), beer and the like. You will discover the roots of seemingly American technological advances, medicine, scientific discoveries, art, architecture, culinary dishes, toys, education and more. You will discover how Germans and German-Americans have influenced every aspect of our culture and life. I promise that you will not be disappointed by this book. You will learn something new from this book and hopefully walk away with a greater appreciation for this immigrant group and the effect it had on the fabric of our lives.
Again, I encourage all, regardless of background, especially educators, to read this book. Every educator, no matter what their field (or in my case, language taught) will grow and learn from this book and give them something to share with their students.
The book is available through the German-American Heritage Foundation website: here
(Note: The German-American Heritage Foundation has events and more resources if you would like to explore further. https://gahmusa.org/)
Lynne’s book is also available on Amazon.
I wish you pleasant reading and please comment below and let me know your favorite story, person or what you learned and found fascinating. Thank you!