Comprehensible Iowa 2023 #CIIA23

Comprehensible Iowa 2023 #CIIA23
I wanted to let you know that Comprehensible Iowa #CIIA23 is fast approaching. It is Friday, June 9th – Saturday, June10th in Gilbert, IA. (Just north of Ames, IA)
This conference is excellent opportunity for world language educators. The presenters, which are coming in from 7 different states, are excellent. This will be a great way to kick off your summer. You don’t want to miss it! It is going to be great!
You can find out more and register here:
I also want to thank the CIIA team for inviting me to present at the conference this summer. The team is incredibly inviting, friendly and talented. I’m looking forward to working with them and all the educators attending the conference.
I would also like say that this is my first time attending the conference. I have heard so many good things about this conference over the years. I only hear positive things, such as: “friendly”, “down-to-earth”, “relaxed”, “uplifting”, “helpful”, “insightful”, “supportive”, “small-but-the best” and much more. I’ve always wanted to go, but unfortunately, it didn’t work out with my schedule until this year. I am very excited to be there in 2023!
I’m looking forward to meeting everyone at Comprehensible Iowa #CIIA23