Language Learning & Language Acquisition – What’s the difference?


Language Learning & Language Acquisition – What’s the difference?

Language Learning & Language Acquisition – What’s the difference?

In the language education field, we frequently hear two terms: learning and acquisition. Although these two terms are often used interchangeably, they have different meanings. “Acquisition” and “Learning” are two distinct processes involved in Second Language Acquisition (SLA), as proposed by linguist Stephen Krashen. As these terms should not be used interchangeably, it is important to understand the distinction between the two.

Let’s take a closer look at the differences between “Learning” and “Acquisition”!

Note: If you would like a shorter version of this post, you can find it HERE.

In this blog post, we will explore and discuss the following topics:

  • Language Learning
  • Language Acquisition
  • Differences between “Learning” and “Acquisition”
  • Highlights and Challenges of “Learning” and “Acquisition”

Language Learning

Learning in the context of language refers to the formal study of language rules and structures. It is a conscious and deliberate process of gaining knowledge about a language’s structure, grammar rules, vocabulary, and syntax. It involves formal instruction, studying (textbooks), grammar lessons, and consciously practicing language exercises. In short, learning is a conscious effort.

In language learning, the key elements are:

  • Formal Study – Learners use textbooks, workbooks, classes, or tutors to guide their learning. Activities and materials are structured.
  • Explicit Instruction – Learners are given direct explanations about grammar and the structure of the language. The rules of the language are emphasized.
  • Focus on Accuracy – Learners work to use grammar and rules accurately and correctly (to avoid mistakes).
  • Memorization and Practice – Vocabulary words, conjugation tables, and rules are consciously memorized through notetaking, repetition, and practice.
  • Translation – Learners often translate between their first language and the new language to understand meanings.
  • Timeframe: Language learning is a formal process that requires explicit instruction and practice, which can happen over an extended timeframe.

Note: Learning about a language, e.g., grammar rules, is learning facts. This is “declaritive” or “explicit” memory. That is, it requires the concious recall of facts, or in other words, it requires intentional effort to retrieve information.

To summarize:

Language learning is a conscious, systematic process. The learner is aware of actively studying the language and working to master the vocabulary and rules. It is the typical approach used in a more traditional academic settings.

Language Acquisition

Acquisition refers to the subconscious and intuitive process through which individuals acquire a language. It occurs in much the same way that children acquire their native languages during early childhood. (That is, you learn a language without even realizing it.) In this process learners acquire language skills intuitively without explicit instruction or awareness of grammatical rules. It is more spontaneous and instinctive and occurs through exposure to the language in meaningful and real-life contexts, such as conversations, interactions, reading, and immersion in a language-rich environment.

In language acquisition, the key elements are:

  • Informal Exposure – Learners are immersed in authentic language through (real-world) interactions and usage.
  • Implicit Learning – Acquisition does not involve conscious effort, memorization, or formal instruction. Learners intuitively pick up on patterns and rules of the language without direct instruction.
  • Focus on Fluency – Learners use the language for meaningful communication, despite errors. The priority is conveying meaning.
  • Meaning-Based – Learners infer meaning from context, situations, and recognizing cognates.
  • Subconscious – The brain automatically and naturally absorbs language features and processes them at an implicit level. There is little conscious effort required.

Note: Things learned by “feel”, e.g., riding a bike, are “non-declarative”. Acquiring language is “non-declarative” or “implicit” memory. It is a type of (long-term) memory that works with out conscious awareness. In other words, it can be performed automatically without actively thinking about it.

To Summarize:

Language acquisition, in short, occurs from meaningful interactions, conversations, exposure to the language, without explicit teaching of rules.

Differences between “Learning” and “Acquisition

At the heart of the learning vs. acquisition debate lie several key differences that underscore their unique characteristics:

1. Conscious vs. Subconscious:

Learning is a conscious endeavor that involves intentional study and (mental) effort. Acquiring language, however, is a subconscious process that occurs naturally through exposure and interaction with little (mental) effort.

2. Formal vs. Informal:

Learning often takes place in formal educational settings, where learners engage with structured materials and follow established curricula. Acquisition, on the other hand, stems from (real-world) exposure to the language and is driven by authentic communication, and immersion.

3. Explicit vs. Implicit:

Learning involves explicit instruction, where rules and concepts are explained. Acquisition involves intuitively picking up on language (patterns) and allows learners to internalize language without consciously analyzing it.

4. Accuracy vs. Fluency:

Language learning prioritizes correct usage of structures. Language acquisition values fluency and conveying meaning despite errors.

5. Active vs. Passive:

Learning demands active engagement, often involving exercises, drills, and deliberate practice. Acquisition unfolds passively as individuals engage with real-life language use without intentionally trying to acquire specific skills.

Highlights and Challenges of “Learning” and “Acquisition“.

Language Learning


  • It is conducive for learners who enjoy a systemic, structured approach to learning.
  • The activities, schedule, and pace can be controlled by the learner.
  • Progress can be formally tracked and evaluated through tests, assignments, and levels.
  • Learning provides language learners with an understanding of the language rules and principles, allowing them to analyze and consciously apply them in their language use.
  • Formal language learning can be advantageous for those who need to use the language in academic or professional contexts, where precise and accurate language use is essential, as in writing.
  • Language learning can be more what is expected from students in a school setting.


  • Language learning can be a slow and time-consuming process.
  • Language learning activities can be viewed as rigid and unenjoyable by language learners.
  • Traditional language learning may not provide as much exposure to authentic language use as language acquisition.
  • A focus on learning may lead learners to overthink their language use, causing them to pause frequently to analyze sentence structures and vocabulary choices. This can hinder the flow of natural conversation.
  • Learners may not be as motivated to learn if they are not interested in the language or culture and instruction is not tied to practical, real-world usage and interactions.
  • Although learning can be beneficial for gaining explicit knowledge about the language, it may not directly lead to fluency, spontaneity, or natural communication skills.
  • Learners who rely solely on learning might struggle to apply the acquired knowledge effectively in real-life situations.

Language Acquisition


  • Language acquisition can be a more natural and enjoyable process.
  • Learners can begin using vocabulary and grammar structures from the start before full mastery, which can also boost confidence.
  • Motivation to learn may be higher when language is tied to practical, real-world usage and interactions.
  • Language acquisition activities can be viewed as more enjoyable by language learners.
  • Learners are more likely to achieve greater fluency and natural language use in spoken communication.
  • Acquired language skills are more focused on fluency and effective communication rather than perfect grammar. This can lead to smoother interactions and more meaningful conversations.
  • Acquired language skills are often more readily available for spontaneous communication, as learners are accustomed to using the language without thinking about grammar rules and vocabulary.
  • Language acquisition facilitates learning within context, allowing learners to grasp the meaning of words and phrases based on the situation rather than through direct translation.


  • It is not conducive for learners who enjoy a systemic, structured approach to learning. In addition, some learners may feel frustrated or impatient with the lack of explicit grammar instruction and feedback.
  • Learners may not fully grasp the rules of the language during acquisition, which can make it difficult in situations where more complex or technical language use, such as academic writing, is needed.
  • The quality of language exposure can vary widely. Depending on the speakers and situations, learners might encounter incorrect language use.

As we wrap up our discussion on “language learning” and “language acquisition”, please remember that is important – for both educators and learners – to recognize and know the distinctions between “learning” and “acquisition” in second language acquisition. These terms represent two distinct different processes and should not be used interchangeably. “Learning” involves deliberate study, formal instruction, and systematic practice. In contrast, “acquisition” is a more intuitive, subconscious process driven by exposure and immersion, fostering natural fluency and meaningful communication.

Finally, as the discussions about acquisition and learning in the classroom continue, I’d like to pose this question for your consideration: 

Can both processes complement each other in second language acquisition? That is, does effective second language development require a (right) balance of both meaningful exposure to the language and formal instruction (acquisition vs. learning)? Or will they interfere with each other and hinder the learner?

Please share your thoughts in the comments below!

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