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accelerate science learning

The “S” Lens and World Languages

June 27, 2022

As, I have written before, one of the aspects of education that I truly enjoy is collaboration. I enjoy meaningful and effective collaboration, because we deepen our knowledge and understanding of our field, and we also bring new ideas to…

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adventures in language

Adventures in Language – Growing as a Teacher – Podcast

June 8, 2022

I really enjoyed being a guest on the Mango Languages podcast “Teaching Languages Today“. Emily Rae Sabo, PhD is fantastic and we had a great conversation. We addressed things like, how do your connections with students evolve across your career?…

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fostering classroom community

Fostering Classroom Community via ‘The Special Person’ Interview

May 23, 2022

I teamed up with Bryce Hedstrom ( at the Voces Digital “Weekly Wednesday Webinar” to give a presentation entitled: Fostering Classroom Community and Understanding via ‘The Special Person’ Interview. Link to the video recording: here Link to my presentation: here…

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americans in dresden

Americans in Dresden: Top 10 Highlights

April 25, 2022

I was doing research for something I was working on when I came across some intriguing articles about how Dresden, Germany was, at one time, both a home to a sizable American expat community and a European destination for American…

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stuttgrat oral history project

Stuttgart Oral History Project

April 2, 2022

I thought I would pass this along.  I recently participated in the Stuttgart Oral History Project through the Missouri Humanities organization.  It was a great experience, and I am glad that I was able to share my story. I am…

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Food, History and Terms

March 25, 2022

Missouri Humanities is a terrific organization with many great programs that explore people, stories, places, and events throughout Missouri’s rich and diverse history while also focusing on the future. Check it out here: I recently attended an event called “Think-N-Drink”…

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Numbers Brain Breaks

February 28, 2022

I came across these brain breaks on Bryce Hedstrom’s blog. With his permission, I am sharing them here as resource for language teachers. (I should mention that I did the German version of these puzzles.) These brain breaks are fun,…

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What does Emotion have to do with Learning?

February 15, 2022

One of the aspects of education that I truly enjoy is collaboration. Through meaningful and effective collaboration, we have the chance to grow not only in our profession, but also as a person. We further and deepen our knowledge and…

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Eric Richards Instructional Consulting, LLC

A (non-hyphenated) American history book for us all?

January 5, 2022

Do not let the title of Lynne Breen’s book How German Ingenuity Inspired America: More Fun, More Beauty, More Freedom mislead you. Yes, it is a definitive book on the influence and impact that Germans and German-Americans have the fabric…

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Eric Richards Instructional Consulting, LLC

Yesteryears with Eric Carle and the German connection

December 29, 2021

I read constantly across all genres and topics, both fiction and non-fiction. In short, I enjoy reading. I enjoy discovering something new, and I especially enjoy learning about new places and people. With this in mind, I thought I would…

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