Eric Richards Instructional Consulting, LLC
I was doing research for something I was working on when I came across some intriguing articles about how Dresden, Germany was, at one time, both a home to a sizable American expat community and a European destination for American travelers. I was unaware of this, and it piqued my curiosity. So, I deviated from…
Read MoreI thought I would pass this along. I recently participated in the Stuttgart Oral History Project through the Missouri Humanities organization. It was a great experience, and I am glad that I was able to share my story. I am connected to both St. Louis in Stuttgart. I grew up (and still reside) in the…
Read MoreMissouri Humanities is a terrific organization with many great programs that explore people, stories, places, and events throughout Missouri’s rich and diverse history while also focusing on the future. Check it out here: I recently attended an event called “Think-N-Drink” through the Missouri Humanities organization. This is a series of events to engage Missourians in…
Read MoreI came across these brain breaks on Bryce Hedstrom’s blog. With his permission, I am sharing them here as resource for language teachers. (I should mention that I did the German version of these puzzles.) These brain breaks are fun, quick and my students enjoyed doing them. They reinforce numbers in the target language and…
Read MoreOne of the aspects of education that I truly enjoy is collaboration. Through meaningful and effective collaboration, we have the chance to grow not only in our profession, but also as a person. We further and deepen our knowledge and understanding of our field, and we broaden our (personal) perspectives and thinking. When meaningful collaboration…
Read MoreDo not let the title of Lynne Breen’s book How German Ingenuity Inspired America: More Fun, More Beauty, More Freedom mislead you. Yes, it is a definitive book on the influence and impact that Germans and German-Americans have the fabric of America. Yes, it wonderfully details and illustrates the accomplishments and achievements of this immigrant…
Read MoreI read constantly across all genres and topics, both fiction and non-fiction. In short, I enjoy reading. I enjoy discovering something new, and I especially enjoy learning about new places and people. With this in mind, I thought I would share a note with you about an article I read in German Life. (See note…
Read MoreRecently, after sharing a bit about some inspiring educators in a post, I had some inquiries about what other educators and resources that I find useful.Below you will find links to some worth-while blogs, other websites, and their resources. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but my hope is that it offers a…
Read MoreAs I wrote in a previous entry, I do not know where I would be today without fellow educators, who shared their insights, talents and personal stories of struggles and successes. So, I thought I would take a moment to share a bit about just a few of those educators that I met along the…
Read MoreI am not supposed to be writing this today. I did not go to school to become a teacher; I had other plans. I was going to travel and rise through the ranks of international business. I had it all worked out (in my head). But, as we know, not all things work out the…
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